A web2 game for a web3 community

Outer Lumen
4 min readDec 18, 2022


I really love Simon Sinek’s Start With Why theory … so I will do the same, I will start with why. Although before “why game”, I think it’s important to mention “why NFTs”. My partner dividebyzero and I got into crypto in 2013, after he received a bitcoin tip on reddit. For us, it was initially for the tech. However, once NFTs came into the picture, our “why” evolved and expanded. Now, when I have discussions on motivations and pathways for getting into NFTs, I always mention the following five pillars: Tech, Art, Community, Money, and Career. I don’t see these as mutually exclusive, in fact, I think most of us have some version of these motivations overlap. For me it’s all five, but tech was always first, followed closely by art and community.

These pillars are evolving, please DM me if you have feedback :)

If you know me, you already know that I belong to several NFT communities. It has been a great privilege for an extravert like me to get to know different people in web3, many of whom, I now consider close friends. At the end of November in 2021, I discovered the mfer NFT collection a few hours after it sold out. I wanted to be a part of the project and purchased one on secondary later that day. Much later, I managed to sell it and trade up to an mfer with 3D Glasses, one of my favourite traits of all time. The mfer community is extremely vibrant, smart, fun, silly, kind, and perhaps most importantly to stay relevant in the current space, present both online and IRL (in real life)!

Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022 | Photo by @MasterChanX

Since last August, I reconnected with old mfer friends, and started to hang out with the mfer community in Twitter Spaces regularly. I also scored a second 3D Glasses mfer for my partner Divide.

Our 3D Glasses mfers

In the spirit of tech, community and art, we decided to prototype a fun gaming experience for the mfer community. One that anyone can easily play … so we came up with MFER BLASTER.

MFER BLASTER game play (pre updated version)

MFER BLASTER works on both desktop and mobile. Players can add their name and choose any mfer from the collection, paying homage to the projects’ CCO (creative commons zero) spirit — mfers do what they want! The game play is simple, chase fellow mfers and blast them until their health is depleted to zero and they are out of the game. To add a bit of hope, we included medi-kits for a quick health power-up.

MFER BLASTER home page

MFER BLASTER was created on top of an example by Victor Zhou, and took about 30 hours to ship, most of which were spent skinning the game to add specific features and various modifications. For example, we created an after-death sequence so players can stick around and find out who blasted them. You can find the source code for MFER BLASTER on Divide’s github.

MFER BLASTER game action

Of course there are many more upgrades and features that can be added to evolve MFER BLASTER including audio (pew pew pew), power ups, team battles, and collision physics to name a few, but perfect is the enemy of done as they say. If you want to implement an update, submit a pull request!

So while we don’t know how or when this game will grow, the creator spirit of the mfer community always has been infectious and inspiring. Thank you for inspiring us!

Divide and I hope you have a blast!

Outer Lumen

she/fren • Scientist/Artist • DataViz Designer • Industry Advisor to The Hashmasks • mfer 738 • MAYC #3430 • Moonbird #8414 • Browsing shill channels since March 2021 • Follow her on Twitter!

Divide by Zero

Full Stack Engineer | Post Cynical | BAYC 2600 • Follow him on Twitter!



Outer Lumen

she/her • Scientist & Artist • DataViz Nerd • Browsing #shill channels since March 2021 • #NFTWomen